Miguel SR flowers

Free Account, Lisboa

Su di me

This is my ID dedicated to plants, nature and flowers in particular
Hope you like it

Some of my other flower's photos are on Photo.Net:

Enjoy :-)

Commenti 25

  • Sue Thompson 16/05/2014 7:50

    Hi Miguel,
    Many thanks for your kind words :))))

    Sue :))
  • Maria Salvador 21/01/2014 14:55

    :-) Muito obrigada Miguel!
  • Maria Salvador 20/01/2014 14:44

    Obrigada Miguel.
    A casa com a árvore da minha foto fica no Baixo Alentejo e a foto foi tirada da EN1. Na verdade são duas casas, mas neste enquadramento incluí só uma.
  • Inez Correia Marques 28/12/2013 17:26

    boa tarde Miguel .. muito contente de visitar a tua galeria
    ate breve
  • silvermist 04/10/2013 15:20

    It is a photograph that was taken with the 6x6 camera, was my buddy about 10 years since I started the photo. So, I'm glad your comments.
  • Tania Skaradek 23/09/2013 16:57

    Hi Miguel!
    Thanks you for visiting my gallery and nice comment! I like that you kike one of my favourites:-)
    You have a wonderful gallery with many amazing flowers!
    Best regards and good new week
  • marisa marcellini 23/09/2013 11:38

    Thanks for your nice words, ciao. Marisa
  • Linda Herbert 28/03/2012 1:21

    Thanks for the wonderful comment. All my best to you. ~ Linda
  • Perry Blevins 15/02/2012 8:44

    Thanks Miguel for your comment.
    Summertime day
    Summertime day
    Perry Blevins

  • Rebekka D. 02/02/2012 0:05

    thank you for your kind comment ;o)))) Rebekka
    Dunnottar Castle
    Dunnottar Castle
    Rebekka D.
  • Tad Kanazaki 01/02/2012 1:36

    Japan narcissus-2
    Japan narcissus-2
    Tad Kanazaki

    Thank you for your visit and comment.
    BW Tad.
  • Perry Blevins 01/01/2012 22:53

    Thank you Miguel for your kind comment to my picture and I want to wish you all the best for 2012.
    Best wishes, Perry
  • John Evans 14/12/2011 21:37

    Hi Miguel,
    Thank you for your kind comment on my photo: Yellow & White Flower.
    Regards From John
  • Shawny Kaltenbach 21/10/2011 18:45

    Thanks for the nice compliment Miguel :-)
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