
Free Account, London

Su di me

I am a London Based photographer and last year began a 2 year Masters in Photography at London Metropolitan University. I have set up a blog ( and have placed some images there. So far the images are of craftspeople and of scenes from the West Bank (Israel/Palestine) . I would be very grateful if photographers could send me images as responses to one of the images I have posted on my blog. I don't want words, just images, as a sort of photo-conversation. Initially I want the project to last about 6 months.
You can also send me images to start a new "conversation". Just let me know.

Please use my email to send me images:

You can of course post them on this site as well.
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Canon EOS40D
50mm L 1.2
70-200 L 2.8

Fujifilm X-100

Bronica med format

Samsung EX2F