Pawel Wodnicki

Free Account, Krakow

Su di me

I started my photographic adventure in the late 90s as a press-photographer working mainly in the field of press conferences and movie premieres. Meanwhile, I used to be focused on such areas as the computer graphics, creating websites, marketing, making music and even designing the stock exchange prospectus as a member of the IT company management board. Finally, I discovered my longing for the photography since this occupation is truly connected with freedom and I decided to take up the former passion again. This time, I’ve focused on the broadly understood portrait photography, commercial photographs, artistic nude photography and documentary pictures.

I am a prizewinner of many photographic contests (further details are presented here) and a member of the variety of photographic societies and associations such as the British one – The Royal Photographic Society. I am also an active user of the web portals oriented in the field of photography. I try to share my passion with others making them involved in the world of photography by the means of the photographic workshops that I run successfully both in Polish and in English.
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Ricevuti / Dati



Canon and Hasselblad