Su di me

I have been an amateur in photography since 1994. The topics that interest me are nature, landscapes, people and their activities, the microcosm and generally what draws my attention and is worth photographing. I find that photography gives you the opportunity to look more closely at the world around you and to extract a piece (what you consider more important) and to keep a moment out of the present that always becomes past. You are also given the opportunity to get to know, understand and enjoy the work of great creators, in which before you gave almost no attention because it didn't make sense to you. The interest in photography is a reason to engage with art in general and delve into human culture.

Commenti 14

  • Fernando Anzani 20/04/2024 16:24

    Many thanks for wanting to follow my photographic journey. I am honored. Greetings from Venice. Ciao. Fernando.
    VENEZIA - Riflessi in Bacino Orseolo
    VENEZIA - Riflessi in Bacino Orseolo
    Fernando Anzani
  • Serras Costas 19/04/2024 19:23

    You are welcome. I really like your work.
  • Fernando Anzani 19/04/2024 17:30

    Many thanks for your attention to my photos. Very nice. Ciao. Fernando.
    Terre castigliane
    Terre castigliane
    Fernando Anzani
  • Tassos Kitsakis 19/04/2024 14:56

    Geia sou Kosta
    Welcome to Community
  • Serras Costas 01/03/2024 20:34

    ?ou are welcome. Your photos overall are of particular interest.
  • David Arduini 01/03/2024 15:43

    Hi Serras thank you for your appreciation David
  • David Arduini 03/04/2020 22:23

    Hi Serras, Thank you for liking my photos, Regards David
  • Rene Müller 70 26/03/2020 20:07

  • Rene Müller 70 22/11/2019 9:56

    thank you Paphsanias...;-)
  • Michael Grotkamp 10/03/2010 3:01

    thank you very much, Paphsanias !
    kind regards, Michael
  • Fons van Swaal 09/03/2010 10:56

    Very much appreciated.........;-)))
    Best regards and welcome to FC
  • † erlitzsche 04/03/2010 22:16

    Hallo Paphsanias,

    ein herzliches Willkommen in der fc und viel Spass in der wunderschönen Welt
    der Fotografie.

    Zur ersten Orientierung hier ein Link, in dem du die Übersichten aller
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    Viele Grüße
  • Henrik Schilling 03/03/2010 20:12

    Herzlich Willkommen in der fc.
    Wünsche Dir viel Spaß hier,viele Freunde,immer ein gutes Licht,tolle und schöne Motive und den richtigen Bilck für all die schönen Momente im Leben.



  • Günter von Fleisbach 03/03/2010 20:00

    Schöner Einstand. Herzlich willkommen bei den Fotonarren. Viel Freude und viele Freunde wünsche ich Dir. Und von Dir viele schöne Bilder. Herzlichst Günter
  • 28 365
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Lumix DMC-FZ50
Metz MB 48 AF
Canon EOS 77D
EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6