Tone Bakken

Free Account, Hamar

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I am these days working with a big project in Norway, Gallery Krogvold.
We are trying to etablish a gallery for the well known fotographer Morten Krogvold in Vågå, a small village 35 kilometres north west of Oslo.
This gallery will be Mr Krogvolds one and only gallery in Norway, and there will be work-shops, courses, foto-festival and so on.
The connection to the fotocommunity may be both important and exciting, both for me as an amateur fotographer as well as for the gallery and all its members and clubs.
Me as a fotographer is a short history: I have always taken a lot of photos. After a work-shop with Morten Krogvold in May this year, I also try to make art out of my photos. And I just love beeing in the dark room developing my films listening to beautiful music.

Commenti 1

  • Andy Pomplun 26/08/2007 11:29

    Welcome to!

    Good to see you found this place, where professionals, amateurs and rookies meet to share their views of photography, show and discuss each others work.
    I hope you'll find the things you were looking for when you joined and have the same fun I have since I became a member.
    Don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

    When I thought about making it easier for new members to join our community, I had the idea to write a short tutorial which might help. You can find it here:

    You might also want to gather some information in our online-help. There you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click here:

    fotocommunity - share your passion!

    Best regards
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