Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

How much is that Doggie in the Window

For Sally Dunn

with a big thank you, Sally, for your many comments and for the nice bench pictures you sent to me!!
Before your time, but then - maybe you heard it at your parents' home:

Commenti 22

  • Sergio Pessolano 27/10/2009 11:16

    Cool capture!
  • DRAGA PUC 25/10/2009 15:16

    hehe, superb, my friend.
  • † Ernst Hobscheidt 23/10/2009 18:29

    gut gesehen und auch klasse abgelichtet.
  • Canan Oner 23/10/2009 17:18

    A lovely picture for Sally !!!!!
  • Sally Dunn 23/10/2009 16:04

    Oh thank you Adele!! That is so kind of you to think of me! The kitten in the window is a lot better behaved than our one here! This one does not scale the curtains or sit precariously on top of the TV swinging her tail about over the screen! The cardigan the dog is wearing is very distinctive! Just right for chilly Autumn days! I like the song too, Sabine is very right, once heard, it goes round your mind and I have seen it when my mum has watched it so I recognise it. Thanks again.
    Sally :)))))
  • Walter Zeis 23/10/2009 14:56

    so kann man das thema schaufensterpuppen köstlich variieren!!
    hier vertragen sich hund und katze. ;-))
    lg walter
  • decay 23/10/2009 10:54

    thats nice... +++

  • Werner R. Albert 23/10/2009 10:29

    Oh yes Adele, I´ve heard the song long before.
    But this window is for selling cardigans, I think.
    Nice idea.
    best wishes
  • Mark Billiau. 23/10/2009 10:15

    A pleasant shop scene.
    Well spotted, Adele.

  • s. sabine krause 23/10/2009 9:02

    : ))))))) strangely enough, it's got a great nostalgic feel to it (50s??), with the gal (the cat's always the girl, isn't she ; ))?) clad in that persian lamb coat, and the guy in his rustic and "virile" sweater ; ))… the iron ornaments add to it, too! GREAT shot, adele, and a perfect title! i'm still humming the tune – will probably stay with me for days – roof, roof… hugs, sabine.
  • Pia Musci 23/10/2009 8:22

  • Claudio Micheli 23/10/2009 8:12

    bella, bella!:..e davvero molto originale.
  • Michael Grotkamp 23/10/2009 7:17

    strong ! Was der Mensch sich so alles einfallen lässt. Und oft am Rande der Realitäten. Top shot !
    lg Michael
  • Alfredo Yanez 23/10/2009 1:14

    Excelente!!! Bonita manera de colgar la ropa!
    Saludos Alfredo
  • JValentina 22/10/2009 23:57

    Genial muy buena imagen, te felicito amiga ,muy bien vista
    un abrazo


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