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Pearl, the Working Girl

Pearl, the Working Girl

25.389 33

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

Pearl, the Working Girl

Her name is Pearl - and what a great name for this kitty mascot of the Annapolis Maritime
Museum, an institution devoted to the long oystering tradition of the Chesapeake Bay.

And, yes, Pearl is indeed a working girl. When the Museum's staff realized they had some unwelcome mousies, they contacted a shelter in Baltimore which has a "Working Cat" program and Pearl became part of the Museum's staff.

Not only is pretty Pearl the Scourge of Mousiedom, but she happens to be
a sweet little kitty who befriended me outside the museum last autumn.

The Museum's Administrative Manager told me at the time that Pearl "is beloved at the Museum, she has the staff wrapped around her paws!" And from her round, firm and fully packed form, one imagines Pearl's humans at the Museum are feeding her with a more upscale diet than...ugh...mousies.

©2018 Steve Ember
A story about Pearl...

Commenti 33


Cartelle Cats
Visto da 25.389


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot SD800 IS
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 1/50
Distanza focale 12.7 mm
ISO ---

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