Good firends of mine moved away, back to their home country. And as a reminder of the time spent here in Spain, here in Zaragoza, I decided to offer them some paintings..
Para ella pinté estas piedras y lo titulé "Steine".
Pintados al óleo.
The stones or "Steine" were painted for her.
Oils on canvas.
BGW-photo 15/12/2012 14:30
ein schönes Bild davon!und diese Steinhäufchen sind immer wieder "anziehend" - mach ich heute noch gerne!
glg, Bernd
iri300 10/08/2012 16:45
simply wow!John Mc D 10/07/2012 10:16
Nice picture and nice attention for your friendsCanan Oner 29/06/2012 11:20
A beautiful painting Susana...Lovely gift for your friends.Hugs,
Adele D. Oliver 29/06/2012 2:57
nother treasure from your painter's brush and surely appreciated by your friends ... beautiful these differently textured and coloured stones and the brilliant blue background !!!hugs, Adele
En Rico 28/06/2012 17:33
Now i understand why the name is "Steine".Your friends must speak german.
A good photography of this art/painting.
Regards Enrico
Stropp 28/06/2012 13:35
Ich mag die klaren Farben - das satte Blau! - und die Formen sehr. Es leuchtet total.Schön! Dicken Knutscher, Ana
Jo Kurz 28/06/2012 12:56
maravillosa pintura, me gusta mucho!gruss jo