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The birds were the last to leave the field

The birds were the last to leave the field

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The birds were the last to leave the field

The birds were the last to leave the field and to see them go away, I started to cry and cry and cry for all the names forgotten, for my unknown body, for the child that I was no more, and my soul that I would never found....

Gli uccelli furono gli ultimi a lasciare il campo e, a vederli andare via, iniziai a piangere e piangere e piangere, per tutti i nomi dimenticati, per questo mio corpo sconosciuto, al bambino che non ero più e per la mia anima che non avrei mai più ritrovata.

Image and tale inspired by an old book of Imre Kertész: "Roman eines schickallosen" (1975)
(Thanks Thanks, Ana!! che regala gioielli!)

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