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Illuminate Our Hearts

Illuminate Our Hearts

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Free Account, Dorfen

Illuminate Our Hearts

"Eine Million Sterne" (German), i.e. one million stars are going to burn again in many cities of Europe on November 14th. Candles will be illuminated and shaped to some symbol (e.g. the cross) as a sign of solidarity with the poor and needy all over the world. In Germany (where I shot this photograph in the city of Hassfurt) , the charity event "One Million Stars" is organized by the NGO of Caritas international (i.e. the international wing of Caritas Germany) in collaboration with local Caritas-organizations. Caritas organizations in other European countries are dong just the same.
What an enlightening idea: A million stars and candles to illuminate our hearts' eyes - to make them see those in the shadows and darkness.

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