Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Dying Achilles

the statue of the "Dying Achilles" in the gardens of the Achilleion. Note Achilles' gaze skywards as if to seek help from Olympus: his mother Thetis was a goddess (thank you wikipedia). I cropped this and presented the image in black and white to emphasize his facial expression ....

Commenti 21

  • SINA 27/04/2015 15:02

    Stein gewordenes Leiden sehr eindringlich dargestellt von Dir
  • chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 26/04/2015 22:36

    Bellissimo B/W ! Cari saluti !
  • lolita cecilia 26/04/2015 20:12

    ESPLENDIDA esta estatua...
    Superbe la expresión captada...
    Muy buen B&N...
    Un abrazo Adele
  • TeresaM 26/04/2015 8:10

    Une présentation fantastique dans cette gamme de gris +++
    Belle mise en valeur, Adele.
    Bisous & bon dimanche,
  • Eduardo Castillo - EDUARDO 5 25/04/2015 20:55

    Good editing, got as enhance the expression of his face highlighting the background of plants.
  • Agapy 25/04/2015 18:05

    den Akt des Sterbens hat der Bildhauer so eindrucksvoll ausgedrückt, daß es mich schaudert. In s/w ist die Wirkung sicher noch viel stärker. Da gebe ich Dir Recht.
    LG Roswitha
  • phonya 25/04/2015 15:37

    impressive piece of photo-art!
    lg phonya
  • Mark Billiau. 25/04/2015 11:18

    Very good capture of his facial expression !

  • s. sabine krause 25/04/2015 10:25

    that warrior achilles, not an easy character! on the contrary: to me he seems highly complex for a hero! aggressive, resolute, ambitious, yes, but also unrestrained in his enthusiasm and dangerously irascible – an explosive mix! "don't ever mess with an amazon!" they say. er… might have said, the ancients, i mean… ; ) but what did HE do? exactly! he messed with an amazon! and not just ANY amazon, mind you! he meddled with their queen: the mighty penthesilea, a woman equally complex, character-wise, to say the least… ; )) his identical twin, if it comes to uncontrolled spells of rage, impetuousity…. some say that in the trojan war he, achilles, clashed with her, penthesilea, knocking her off her horse and killing her, then taking off her helmet and – idiotically so! – falling in love posthumously!! others – the brilliant kleist! ; ) – say that it was the other way around, that SHE killed him! but fell in love BEFORE, killed him, mauled him in a surge of adrenaline during the fight, that was both rage, and self-defense and the strangest bloodthirstiness of love. a rush she doesn't even remember afterwards, in shock she is at first, then slowly realizes what she's done… the famous "küsse/bisse"-quote: "So war es ein Versehen. Küsse, Bisse,/Das reimt sich, und wer recht von Herzen liebt,/Kann schon das Eine für das Andre greifen."
    – – the hero in final dynamic distress – great capture of the drama in his face, his pose, his plight… hugs, sabine.
  • JURAFR 25/04/2015 10:17

    Une sculpture trés expressive !!!!! et bien mise en valeur par ce N/B , bravo Adéle
  • alberto16-menuder 25/04/2015 9:18

    bella bella brava Adele
  • Peter van der Houwen 25/04/2015 7:52

    Very expressive image!
  • archiek 25/04/2015 2:01

    Very dramatic in BW. A difficult shot in the sunlight.
  • Inge Striedinger 25/04/2015 0:38

    Er stirbt immer noch, der Achilles ... eine ausdrucksvolle Skulptur. Kommt gut in s/w!
    greetings, Inge
  • Rainer Golembiewski 24/04/2015 23:35

    das ist jetzt in S/W ein wenig unübersichtlich, wäre vielleicht in Farbe besser......? Schönes Wochenende!


Cartelle Greece, Cyprus
Visto da 1.219


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 16.0 mm
ISO 100